PLC programming – FUN, EASY & INTERACTIVE!

PLC programming - FUN, EASY & INTERACTIVE!

Go to PLC programming – FUN, EASY & INTERACTIVE! @ udemy

Learn PLC programming with ladder logic on a PLC simulator. NO EXPENSIVE HARDWARE NEEDED!

All you will need is a windows10 computer with a MINIMUM DISPLAY RESOLUTION OF 1920 x 1080 (Full HD) / or an android device.

In this course you will learn how to program PLCs with ladder logic by using the ‘PLC ladder simulator 2’ software application.

The software simulates the hardware inputs & outputs of a PLC which allows you to write and fully test your own PLC programs right there on your screen.

As well as learning all the functions available to you in the free version of the simulator, together we will construct and test real world PLC programs – everything that I do on my screen, you will do on your screen too!   

In this course you will learn about:

Scan cycles

Creating tags




Bit shifters

Data types

Binary code


Digital inputs & outputs

Analog inputs & outputs



And you will construct PLC programs to control stuff like:

Pump stages 

Tank levels

Filling lines

Traffic lights

Room temperatures

The course starts off at a beginner level, we will firstly download the software and take a look at our very first PLC program, the early stages of the course will teach you about what ladder logic is and how it works in conjunction with PLC scan cycles.

After we have learnt the basics we will start to develop more complex programs. Each chapter will introduce new concepts and functions that we will use to make programs for things like tank levels and timed motor outputs. 

Once we really start to get cooking we will build and simulate programs to control the traffic lights of an intersection and the temperature of chocolate in a tank. mmmmmmm!

By the end of the course your ladder logic knowledge will be solid and you will be able to write your own PLC programs from scratch.

So if you want to learn PLC programming without needing any special hardware then this is the course for you.

Go to PLC programming – FUN, EASY & INTERACTIVE! @ udemy


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